
HVACR Class details
HVACR is one of the highest fastest growing industries in the country. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the next 8 years will have a 15% increase in demand for employees. With the education they will receive from the American College of Healthcare and Technology, they will

ACHT first annual Classic Car Show
American College of Healthcare and Technology is hosting our first annual classic car show along with DJ Gary’s Rockin’ Oldies on Saturday, June 30th. The car show will include food, tours of our campus, a raffle and a 50/50 raffle, awards for the best cars and collaboration with 96.7 KCAL

ACHT’s HVACR program
American College of Healthcare and Technology is introducing a new, exciting program to our Riverside campus, HVACR. HVACR stands for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. The HVACR program is 8-month programs that will help students learn the ins and outs of many skills that are in high demand. According

Why you should continue your education
Going back to school is one of the most important decisions you can make in your entire life. Before you make a final decision, here are some reasons to continue your education. College educated people to earn more: According to the bureau of labor statistics, people with a certification earn

How to use social media to your advantage
Social media is a powerful tool that most people use today. It lets you connect with your friends and family as well as let you post pictures and share whatever is on your mind. It can be used to help you in your career, but can also damage it as

Making the most of your interview.
The interview is may be the most important part of the entire job search, it is the biggest determining factor of whether you get the job or not. Here are a few pointers to help you nail your interview. Dress to impress: Your appearance is one of; if not the

10 things to succeed in Dental Assistant program
Have dreams and keep those dreams alive. Wanting to be successful is the first part of being successful. Keep your dreams big and if you put effort into achieving those dreams you are going to have a better chance at making those dreams a reality. Use all the resources

Interview with Medical Assistant student.
We sat down with medical assistant student Justin Henley to hear his story about his time in our medical assistant program. Our medical assistant program is an 8-month course offered at our Riverside and Huntington Park campuses. When did you start school at ACHT and what program are you in? “I

Tips to pass your licensing exams
In Surgical Technology and Physical Therapy Aide/Massage therapy students must take an exam to be licensed in California. Here are some tips to help make sure you pass your exams. Study hard and study often: You won’t pass any of your exams if you don’t study, these exams that cover

10 things to succeed in Medical Assistant program.
We sat down with our Medical Assistant instructor and asked a few things a student may need to succeed at the American College of Healthcare and Technology’s MA program. Our Medical Assistant program is an 8-month program at our Riverside and Huntington Park campuses. Have a positive attitude. Negative attitudes