4 Reasons Schools for Medical Assisting Need to be Accredited
We mention several times on our site that our school and programs are accredited, unlike some schools for medical assisting. But why is accreditation so important to us? First, let’s talk about accreditation. Accreditation is a review process during which an outside organization ensures that our school meets the national
Medical Assistant Certification Test and School Accreditation
Before you can work as a medical assistant, many employers require or prefer that you take the medical assistant certification test (CMA exam). It’s clear that some medical assistant programs will prepare you for the test better than others, but before you enroll in a school, do your research! If
Diagnostic and Medical Procedure Codes: FAQ and a Little History
To new students and outsiders to the healthcare field, medical procedure codes might as well be rocket science. It’s amazing that all the things doctors do, from diagnostic tests to surgical procedures, have been compiled into a list of codes. This article is a quick and simple explanation of medical
What Kind of Medical Office Assistant Training Should I Get?
Lots of people who are interested in medical office assistant training think that there’s only one career path to consider: medical administration. Though it’s a great choice, it’s not the only one. In this post, we’ll clarify the three different career paths people might be referring to when they say
What this Month’s Proposed Legislation Means for Riverside Physical Therapy
On July 8, the Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee of California’s State Senate approved a new bill that will affect riverside physical therapy (as well as other physical therapy practices across California) if it’s passed. (It passed unanimously in the committee, but that just means that it progresses to
Why I Chose a Medical Administration School in California A Guest Post
My friends and relatives ask me about my career decisions all the time: why did I choose a medical administration school? Why California? I’ve decided to post a blog about it, mostly so I can stop repeating myself but also to share my reasoning with people who might be curious
Athletic Physical Therapy 101: The 6 Parts
In a previous post, we discussed the different types of physical therapy and the benefits of physical therapy for many groups of people. Here, we’ll discuss athletic physical therapy (also called sports physical therapy) in more detail, discussing the techniques and benefits of physical therapy for physically active people. Athletic
4 Ways to Get a Higher Medical Assistant Salary California
In any field, you run the risk of getting paid less than you’re worth. As a medical assistant, this can be true as well, but you can make strategic decisions to avoid that and earn a higher medical assistant salary. Check out the steps below. 1. Get a good education.
What is the job of a medical assistant?
Prospective students often ask, “What is the job of a medical assistant?” In my view, there are more appropriate questions – “What are the jobs of a medical assistant?” for example, or “How can I build a career as a medical assistant?” Medical assistants don’t just do one job –
The Top 5 Types of Physical Therapy Services
Never been to a physical therapist’s office? Considering a career in physical therapy services anyway? No problem. Here is a little background on the kinds of physical therapy services you’ll encounter as a therapist or physical therapy aide. 1. Orthopedic Physical Therapy: When most people think of physical therapy, this