Do You Have What it Takes to be a Medical Assistant?

Do You Have What it Takes to be a Medical Assistant?

Medical Assistant Tasks Medical Assistants are always high in demand and according to TIME magazine out of the 150 best recession-proof jobs, Medical Assistants rank #23. That’s a lot of job security and with an average starting salary of a little over $38k it becomes quite a rewarding profession.

The first step in becoming a Medical Assistant is to know what the job is all about. There are many basic tasks that you will be expected to know how to accomplish:

  • Meet and greet patients
  • Assist patients in signing in and getting them admitted
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Knowledge of health insurances
  • Take vital signs
  • Preparing patients for medical procedures
  • Assisting with medical procedures

Some of the character traits you will need to excel at your job are:

  • Communication Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Empathy
  • Attention to Detail
  • Multitasking Ability

When you combine your skills with the right education and certificates your chances of employment greatly increase. To learn more about Medical Assistants and how to get started on your new career read more about it here: Medical Assistant School