How to Avoid Holiday Stress

How to Avoid Holiday Stress

Over the course of the next 45 days or so we are going to see a LOT of our family, friends and will likely be dealing with huge crowds at the mall.There will be back-to-back diet busting parties. The holidays can be a special time but they can be a stressful time as well. Here are a few tips for reducing the stress and welcoming the cheer.

  1. Give up being a “fixer”. Trying to make everyone around you happy all the time is a sure-fire way to increase your own stress level.
  2. Don’t try to control others, especially in relationships. The harder you try, the more miserable you’ll become and the more the others will distance themselves. Not a good scenario over the holidays.
  3. Ask yourself the question: “Is this a matter of life and death?” Keep your reactions proportional and avoid overreacting to simple matters.
  4. Try not to complain as it only causes stress — for you and for others around you. Be proactive, not reactive. Plan ahead and avoid last minute chaos.
  5. Prepping for a large holiday dinner? Take five-minute breaks throughout the day. You can walk, jog, or run to burn off stress hormones.
  6. Find a way to “de-stress” as needed using this technique. Find a comfortable position to sit or lie in. Breathe in slowly through your nose. Exhale slowly. Imagine the tension escaping with as you exhale. Repeat for a minute or two.
  7. Black Friday shopping? Eliminate rushing to get out the door on time by planning the night before. Set out the clothes you’ll need, write out your shopping list and get up 15 minutes to a half hour earlier than usual.
  8. Don’t procrastinate: Tackle your most difficult task first so it doesn’t weigh on your mind.
  9. Get at least eight hours of sleep every night.
  10. Eat sensible, well-balanced meals. At family gatherings, resist over-eating.
  11. Drink more water so your body stays hydrated.
  12. Most of all think positive! The holidays may drive you to your breaking point, but don’t focus on the bad. Negative thinking can trigger your body’s stress response, just as a real threat does. Remember, it’s time to celebrate with your family and friends (even if they do stress you out!). An optimistic outlook will help you cope with challenges that come your way.

This holiday take a break from studying and re-energize. Follow the suggestions above and maintain a stress-free break. You will find yourself fresh and ready to take the next steps towards your future career. Happy holidays from the American College of Healthcare and Technology where we proudly serve the communities of Cudahy, Florence, and Rialto.

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