Aaleesa E. – I’m proud to have continued my education here

Aaleesa E. – I’m proud to have continued my education here

Erika TestimonialSince going back to school after I graduated high school in 2008, I must say it’s been a journey. I began my voyage at CCA in 2013. During my time there I lost my father and had to take a leave of absence.

When I returned from leave the school had definitely changed. It went from supportive and motivating to more of a chore or work. As it turned out teachers weren’t being paid which reflected their skill and ambitions in teaching.

Ultimately the school closed and I chose to further my education in surgical technology at ACHT. It has been a blessing.

I am so grateful to be a student here and it feels really wonderful to have a passion for school again. Ms. Garcia and Dr. Wais are a phenomenal team and it shows. They are enthusiastic and committed to providing a great education for us students. I went from a 3.O or so student to achieving 100% on my tests for a better part of five weeks now. I now look forward to learning new material. I’m proud to have continued my education here.

Aaleesa E. – Surgical Technology

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