Great Phone Interview Tips. Make a Good Impression!

Great Phone Interview Tips. Make a Good Impression!

Summary: So now that you’ve got the proper education it’s time for you to go out there and start your career. Phone interviews are an important part of the job seeking process so you should be well prepared when you get one.

In comparison to in-person interviews and Skype interviews, phone interviews can be harder to establish a personal touch between the interviewer and the interviewee. However, this personal touch should not be ignored or done away with. First off, to avoid missing the interview altogether, one should make sure they pick up all phone calls even if you do not know the number. Interviewers may not always call from the main office number, so taking every call is important when waiting for the interviewers call. Furthermore, if possible take the call from a landline or house phone. This will make sure there is no cell reception interruption that may hinder the interview from going smoothly. If this is not possible and you are using a Smartphone, make sure to turn off all notification sounds. You do not want distractions or the loud dings and sounds of notifications coming in during the interview.

Moreover, make sure you have pen and paper ready to write down any information or questions. Getting your computer set up with any proper documents, websites, or notes will also be very useful. Making sure you have plenty of time for the phone call will make sure you do not feel rushed or stressed, and the interviewer will know you respect their time. Finally, thanking the interviewer before ending the call will make sure you leave off on a good note.

Original Article: Phone Interview Tips

Use these phone interview tips to help secure an in-person interview:

Do your Homework

There’s nothing wrong with getting the word out there about your job search by sending out resumes, but you many get calls from jobs you don’t know a lot about. If called for an interview, ask to set a later time to talk about the job after you’ve researched the company.

Take the call from home

If you have a land line, use it instead of your cell phone. Calling from home means you can have more control over your environment and can be more at ease and less likely to be interrupted by distractions. Your land line is also less likely to cut out while you are talking. Also, if you have pets or children, have a friend or family member help out while you are on the phone.

Smart Phones

If you are using your cell phone to take the interview call be sure to disable the tone functionality to avoid distractions.  You don’t want message notifications “dinging” while you’re trying to talk about your employment. Keep your mind on the call and never place your interviewer on hold to take another call!

Tip!  Be sure when using a cell phone that you test your coverage to avoid any break up or conversations cutting in and out during the call.  This will make you appear to be unprepared for the interview.

Stay connected

You may have done your homework, but can’t be up on everything. Start up your laptop, tablet or desk top computer before the call. Open the company’s website and a web browser so you can discreetly refer to your resources as a tool during the interview.

Time is of the essence

Make sure you have plenty of time for the call. Most interview calls are short, screening calls that lead to longer interviews, but if your hit the mark, it may go longer. We know everyone’s time is important, but using your lunch break for the call isn’t the best idea. Find a time a space to do the call so you are calm, feel confident and not hurried.

Thank them for the time

“Thank You” notes are your last chance to leave a positive impression on the interviewer. They may be making many calls to prospects at this point, so send them something so that you are top of mind. An e-mail within a couple of hours after your call is your best bet.  When working with your recruiter, a best practice is to email your “thank you” note to them directly with a request to pass along your appreciation to the client.  This allows the recruiter to add their positive comments and continue to keep their voice behind your resume and in front of the client’s decision making process.

This is by no means all there is to do to prepare for the call. For more information about how to ace your phone interview, contact a HealthCare Scouts National Recruiting Manager for personal coaching.


Disclaimer: This article was shared for informational purposes only. ACH is not responsible for any claims, advice or errors that might exist in the articles. Third party websites or analyses presented.

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