Job Outlook for Medical Assistants

Job Outlook for Medical Assistants

Medical Assistant Job OutlookSummary: Medical assistants are in high demand around the country. The employment of medical assistants within the US is expected to increase 29% over the next 8 years. Medical assistants are not only in high demand due to recent increases in pregnancies, but with the ever increasing technologies of new age medicine, medical assistants are needed to help in all areas of the medical field.

Currently the US has seen a trend of increasing numbers of group practices, clinics and healthcare facilities. Each of these types of medical practices is in need of medical assistants to help with the day-to-day needs of their patients. A look into the career of a medical assistant may be the right fit for the growing demand and increase in the need of this occupation.

Original Article: Job Outlook About this Section: Medical Assistants

Percent change in employment, projected 2012-22

Medical assistants: 29%

Other healthcare support occupations: 23%

Total, all occupations: 11%

Note: All Occupations includes all occupations in the U.S. Economy.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

Employment of medical assistants is projected to grow 29 percent from 2012 to 2022, much faster than the average for all occupations. The growth of the aging baby-boom population will continue to spur demand for preventive medical services, which are often provided by physicians. As their practices expand, physicians will hire more assistants to perform routine administrative and clinical duties, allowing the physicians to see more patients.

An increasing number of group practices, clinics, and other healthcare facilities need support workers, particularly medical assistants, to do both administrative and clinical duties. Medical assistants work mostly in primary care, a steadily growing sector of the healthcare industry. In addition, federal health legislation will expand the number of patients who have access to health insurance, increasing patient access to medical care.

Additional demand also is expected because of new and changing tasks for medical assistants as part of the medical team. As more and more physicians’ practices switch to electronic health records (EHRs), medical assistants’ job responsibilities will continue to change. Assistants will need to become familiar with EHR computer software, including maintaining EHR security and analyzing electronic data, to improve healthcare information.

Job Prospects

Medical assistants who earn certification may have better job prospects.

Source: Occupational Outlook Handbook:Medical Assistants

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