Benefits of a Career as a Massage Therapist

Benefits of a Career as a Massage Therapist

Massage TherapistDo you enjoy helping others and allowing their stress melt away? Perhaps a career in massage therapy is for you. Working as a massage therapist is one of the most beneficial careers you can possibly have. You are helping others and still making a great living. Now that is a great combination.


You may already know that massage therapists can make a great living. Just like any other career out there, you can choose many paths that will change the total amount you bring home. The average income for massage therapists back in 2011 was reported to be close to $40,000. Whether you work full time or part time will impact the overall revenue you bring home yearly. Keep in mind that there is also a great earning potential from making money off commission or working for a high end company, the possibilities are endless.


Now that you know there is great money to be made as a massage therapist, you need to know the other benefits. You might already know that you will be helping others in only ways a massage therapist can. There are also many different places you can work as a massage therapist. From working in a hospital to owning your own practice the possibilities are greater than you can imagine.


The flexibility of working as a massage therapist is something you will not find amongst other careers. A lot of massage therapists work their own schedule as they wish. They pencil in their clients as it works for both parties. If you have children, go to school, or just like the idea of having a flexible schedule, then a career as a massage therapist might be the path for you.

Work Environment

Working as a massage therapist brings upon a work environment that you may not find in another career. While you may have to work with others, you mostly work one on one with your clients. Also, the client usually leads the conversation, so the work environments are also flexible. It’s great to work in a place where you do not always experience the same incidents day in and day out.


Just like any other career you may want to choose, you need to know about the opportunities available. Massage therapist have a projected job growth of 20% between the years 2010 and 2020. Choosing a career that will take you in a positive direction throughout your whole life is a smart move to make.

Schooling Time

If you’re looking for a career in which you do not have to spend a lot of time in school, then a massage therapy degree may be for you. Depending on the school you attend, getting a massage therapy degree/certificate can take two years or less.

Are you ready to chat with someone about a degree in massage therapy? Get in touch with the American College of Healthcare and Technology today.

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